April 2 – Hannibal (2001)

Yesterday, I watched the previous movie of this series, Silence of the Lambs. I wonder why they took 10 years to do a sequel after the first one being so successful. I’ve read some good reviews on the sequel so I decided to watch it too. Fortunately, I had a little sanity still left to be able to watch this. It’s interesting to find out where Hannibal Lecter has been off to after the final scenes of the first movie. It’s nice to be able to find out how Clarice Starling has been all these years. Let’s see what the better movie is.

Hannibal_movie_posterHannibal is 2001 film created by Ridley Scott. Yes the Aliens and Gladiator guy! It’s a direct sequel to the 1991 critically-acclaimed movie Silence of the Lambs. The story picks up 10 years after the events of the first movie. It now follows Clarice Starling and her search for the notorious cannibalistic serial-killer Hannibal Lecter after his escape in the first movie. Anthony Hopkins is back portraying his Academy Award winning role Hannibal Lecter. Sadly, Jodie Foster wanted nothing to do with the sequel and did not return. Julianne Moore stepped up as the new Clarice Starling. Hey, she’s pretty hot too. I’m not complaining. Continue reading