April 10 – Like Crazy (2011)

Today I started my first intern job. Everything was so new. I felt so small after experiencing the “real world”. I was stuck with my awkward fitting in stage. I’m a very shy guy, so meeting new people is very hard for me. It was hard trying to fit in in a place where everyone knew everyone and knew what to do. They share their stories and tell inside jokes that I can’t relate to. Like i normally do, I just sat in my corner reading and eavesdropping to their conversations. Long story short, I felt alone. Now you’re probably asking what this has to do with the movie? Well after feeling alone the whole day, I didn’t want to watch an “alone” kind of movie. So here I am reviewing a romantic movie. I wasn’t really sure if it was happy or sad before watching. I just needed a little romance somehow.

Like_CrazyThe movie I watched today was the 2011 Sundance Film Festival best picture Like Crazy. It follows the story of a couple, Jacob and Anna, played by American actor Anton Yelchin and English actress Felicity Jones. From that introduction, I think you have an idea what kind of movie this is. The story shows how the couple meet up in college, and how they dealt with Anna’s student visa expiring after graduation. We see the ups and downs of their relationship and see how their youth affect their decisions. The supporting cast were made of Alex Kingston and 2012 Academy Award Best Actress Jennifer Lawrence. My inner fanboy cried a little seeing how Jennifer Lawrence was treated in this movie and being just a supporting actress. In the movie, there were basically two conflicting ideas clouding their relationship. Continue reading