April 3 – Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)

Ever wondered what happened in news rooms during the 70’s?

Movie_poster_Anchorman_The_Legend_of_Ron_BurgundyAfter enduring two days of watching messed-up movies, my mind couldn’t take anymore sophistication. I need some lightness and happiness in my life. So today I decided to watch slapstick comedy to balance out the horror of the past two days with laughs. That’s why the movie I watched for today was the 2004 film Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy produced by Judd Apatow. It stars Will Ferell as Ron Burgundy, as well as Christina Applegate, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd among many others. Who better to look at for good slapstick comedies than Will Ferrell and Judd Apatow. I wouldn’t be surprised if they mesh well together, since they have the same comedy style. If you’ve watched Apatow’s films such as The 40-year Old Virgin (2005), Superbad (2007), or Bridesmaids (2011) and any Will Ferrell movie, they’re usually filled with inappropriate jokes, side comments, sexual innuendos, exaggeration, and a lot of shouting. Will Ferrell can’t seem to speak in appropriate tone range, he always shouts like a retard in his movies. Mix in a couple fights here and there and you got a generic Will Ferrell movie. It’s probably why his comedy doesn’t sell in countries like China where they have no sense of humor. I’m almost sure that’s a real Will Ferrell quote. Continue reading