April 16 – A Clockwork Orange (1971)

As a psychology major and a fan of mystery/thriller novels, movies dubbed psychological thrillers appeal to me. In forums and general areas of discussion of movies, I’ve read about the cult following this movie has garnered up to this day. Reviews are generally favorable and considered it one of the best films of the 70’s.

Clockwork_orangeAA Clockwork Orange was adapted from a 1962 novel of the same name written by Anthony Burgess. The film adaptation was made by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. The story is about a young delinquent, Alex (played by Malcom McDowell), with his group of friends, as they terrorize the cities of Britain. He gets sentenced to jail with the crime of murder and undergoes a new potentially dangerous behavioral modification treatment to reduce his aggressive urges. After being “cured” and released, he is left to face his old enemies and being psychologically unable to fight back.

I’ve read a lot about the artistic style of Kubrick in movie forums. He tends to adapt unusual stories rather than create his own. His also known for his perfectionist attention to detail, all the while adding his own creative mark. The first half of the movie was shrouded with an eerie comedic feel. I didn’t know if I should laugh or feel disturbed with the sex and violence scenes. Usually in the midst of the violence, the gang sings and dances to the tunes of Beethoven, and in one particular assault, the song Singing in the Rain from the musical. It’s quite hard to take the scenes seriously as it was presented in a weird graceful way. Continue reading