April 15 – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011)

Coming from a week full of comedies, I wanted to get a little serious for this week. I didn’t want to go too serious though. My first encounter with the Stieg Larsson trilogy books was a few years ago during high school. When I have nothing to do in the mall, I always hung out in book stores to see potential good books to read. I came across The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and it immediately struck me. Random beat-down journalist meets underground genius hacker investigating a missing person’s case. Mysterious story with twist and turns. I was always into that.

The_Girl_with_the_Dragon_Tattoo_PosterApparently, as a friend of mine mentioned, this movie showed a few nights ago on HBO. Seeing as I’ve always wanted to see it, so I decided to watch the movie adaptation of the Larsson book for today. As I’ve said previously, the story was about journalist Mikael Blomkvist as he gets hired to investigate the disappearance of Harriet Vanger over 40 years ago. He gets the assistance of a genius hacker vigilante, Lisbeth Salander. As they go deeper into the investigation, they unravel a new layer of mystery every time leading to a very deep family secret. Blomkvist is played by Mr. James Bond himself, Daniel Craig, while Salander was played by a relatively underground actress, Rooney Mara. Craig was his usual broody self and Mara adopted the damaged punk boy look to perfection. Continue reading