April 4 – The Croods (2013)

Who said I can’t watch animated movies? I still wanted to keep the light comedy thing going on, so I watched a kid’s movie. I was originally going to watch some other movie for today but my friend convinced me to watch this  instead because she really wanted to check it out. I decided to go along with it and it turned out well. It was also nice to have some addition to my list, since I don’t think it covers the entire summer. Watching current movies is something I look forward to doing as the summer goes on. And I believe there are upcoming blockbuster films showing this summer like The Hangover or Iron Man 3, if I’m not mistaken. Thanks friend!

The_Croods_posterThe movie I watched for today is the very recent 2013 Dreamworks Animation comedy movie titled The Croods. It’s so recent that I watched in the theaters. The story follows the life of a family of cavemen, brought up by strict rules to survive. Apparently the dad was voiced by Nicolas Cage and the lead guy was voiced Ryan Reynolds. I honestly wouldn’t have known until my friend told me. Eep was voiced by Emma Stone. That I figured out halfway through the movie. I can’t possibly miss that hot raspy voice. Led by the father, they struggle to survive in the prehistoric times. The family’s solidarity is threatened by the daughter’s, Eep, adventurous and curious nature. All hell breaks loose when massive earthquakes destroy their home and expose them to a whole new world. Now they are forced to confront the dilemma of treading in unfamiliar environment or stick to their roots. Continue reading